A man is usually symbolized with tons of outdoor activities, strong, active, and sporty. I am convinced that there are some simple things a...

A man is usually symbolized with tons of outdoor activities, strong, active, and sporty. I am convinced that there are some simple things a man can do indoors with heart, beautiful mindedness, and gentle action. Let's say in writing as one of the examples for this. We obviously know there are many famous males being book author or poetry writer, etc. And how do you think they can be that such successful without a strong-minded but soft heart in any way? 

Hey,, I am not talking myself that I am not a strong or inactive man outdoor. But I can say to myself that writing is one of my favorite indoor activities I have. This reminds me to share stories with anonymous or like talking to myself. Some people expect to listen while talking about a thing. For me, there's no matter even one doesn't seem to be interested in what I am talking about. Blogging is the same way as what I have done so far. Just writing what in mind based on mood, then share it. It can be a good thing if there's anyone who wants to know more and more about what we're talking about. But the most important which is the simplest minded also is that how to keep writing or talking in order to express something in our head. Let's say I am trying to be a good author too as other author males that have written bunches of books. But to be that one needs time and song dedications. By doing the same thing as they have done with their books in a blog, besides expressing what's in my head, I might also be able to share to people as those authors do in their carrier. Therefore, this blog was created. 

I am just a simple dude who always trying to keep learning anything, So far, I love doing academic kinds of stuff like researching, tutoring, or teaching. I do always bring a phone camera anywhere and everywhere. Then capturing the world around me and sharing my camera pics on Instagram. I do like music a lot, do singing, and other indoor activities. For outdoor lives, I like to challenge myself with anything new and try them at least once. Extreme sports are one of the activities that I really want to experience... For more details about what I am doing so far, you can see several links below. You can contact me through one of the following sosmed.



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