By the way, kondisi hatiku saat ini sedang dingin, sedingin sambutan musim fall dan hembusan angin yang menggurkan daun-daun pepohonan. #halah berpuisi pulak.
Well, sebelumnya ini adalah kali kesekian kalinya aku harus bilang ternyata nulis blog itu memang mood mood an. haha. Aku gak ingat lagi kapan aku terakhir kali update blog ini. Kalau boleh jujur, ada banyak list judul yang sudah terangkai, tapi memang belum di buat tulisannya, atau hanya sekedar sketsa dan itupun masih tertata cantik di kepala yang siap hilang kalau gak segera ditulis. So, aku minta maaf fans-fans ku tercinta...#ember mana emberrrrrrr..? #muntah. hahahaha
#pfiuuh... #menyeka jidat yang semakin hari semakin kinclong.... #botak men maksudnya.
Pagi ini, jam 3.19 pagi. Dan aku masih terjaga dengan jemari yang masih menari di atas benda-benda berkotak dan berhuruf di notebook usang ini. Lampu sudah dalam kondisi off. Tapi aku juga belum bisa memejamkan mataku yang sebenarnya mulai sayu. Bukan mata masalahnya, tapi kepala dan otak. Stress....!!
Mungkin bisa dibilang ini adalah tepat dua bulan bagiku untuk stay lagi di korea setelah pulang pasca lebaran idul fitri agustus kemarin. But you know, I feel that the time is going by very slowly,,,,slowwwwlyyy... #stress.. Yup,,, that's the reason why. I am having so many times that should be spent at the lab. Now, I am talking about my project getting bored all the time. Kind of like I am unhappy to work on it. Perhaps, since I dont like every thing named for "Project". What I want to say is, I like to do or try to finish the project, but I just dont like the deadline in order to reach the goal or target in every week. Got d*** it.!!!!!!
I am facing the time like this. I just want to run out of the lab work time. I hate it. But, I am here to study under the project money, love or not. I should not say that I dont like that state. However, I did. I wish everything is gonna be alright soon. I should finish it.
By the way, this written is nothing. Not even has any meaning for you. I just tied to fill the waste time of my night. hehe.. so sorry..
By the way again, this the time to sleep. My eyes are getting dizzy now.
see you soon next time.
Good night everyone,,wish you have your healthy and success in oyou life.
Someone who needs some time to refresh his mind.
Ismail M~