Ihik ihik ihik ihik..... ^_^ tenang-tenang,,, Insyaallah akan share tentang ini juga kok,,, These are some examples of the ...

Cara Mendapatkan Letter of Acceptance (LOA) atau Offer Letter

Ihik ihik ihik ihik..... ^_^

tenang-tenang,,, Insyaallah akan share tentang ini juga kok,,,

These are some examples of the letter of acceptance. Perhaps, some of us are curious what kind of letter this one, how the letter looks like, and how to get this. I will describe it more detail. But at this time, I just provide these samples hopefully you can find away to gain your spirit more and more.

Note, the enclosed letter here are still on "condition Letter" that means I have to complete some conditions to be grant as a student in these universities.
Letter 1 from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Letter 2 from RMIT University, Australia
Letter 3 from University of Wollongong, Australia

Ini cuma reminder aja untuk aku pribadi kok. Sabar yaaa.. :D

yang penting tetep semangat yaaa...
Jangan Lupa berdoa ^_^

Doakan aku juga, biar lancar studi dan semua kegiatanku selama belajar di negara orang ini. Hehe..
Tetep sehat dan sukses terussssssssssssssssssssss....

be a hunter. Be a fighter. Be alive. 
Semangat terusssss... ^^,


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